Can You Foresee the Workplace of the Future?


In today’s multi-channel world, human resources professionals are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit and retain a talented workforce. Competition for the best employees is intense, and the technological landscape is constantly changing. The following are 3 ways human resources professionals can use recruiting to attract and retain top talent in their organization.

1. Cutting-Edge Digital Tools… Must be the Core of Your Recruitment Program 

Recruiting should always start from within whenever possible. Are there current employees who could be retrained for other positions? Before this can be accomplished, it’s critical to identify current talent, where particular skills are lacking, and how they can be most effectively developed. When looking outside for new talent, it’s imperative to go where your future employees are likely to be. This means using mobile dashboards and apps as recruiting tools. It’s increasingly necessary to interact with prospective employees on places such as Twitter and LinkedIn.

2. An Effective Workforce… Must be Cross-functional

There is a continual blurring between the business and technical side of almost any organization. This means the workforce of the future must have knowledge and multiple skill sets. Areas that are important include using mobile devices, social media, and understanding analytical data. Whether you’re in retail, hospitality, or an IT industry, a wide range of digital skills is always crucial.

3. Training… Must be Focused and Specific For Each Employee

Actual training in an organization must line up with the needs of the company. The skills of each new and existing employee need to fit in and align with the direction the business is heading. Employees are more likely to stay with a company when they feel their talent and skills are properly used and adequately rewarded. A successful training program should not be measured simply by the number of training sessions. Training should focus on developing and improving each employee’s specific skills.