Make the right offer at the right time.

Our guide Reimagine remarketing: Using email and analytics to gain customer loyalty can help you understand consumer behaviour and prioritize what your next big moves should...

Email Comes of Age

Download our Email Comes of Age guide so you can make every conversation engaging — including awkward ones. You’ll learn how to transition from pushing products to pushing...

Email comes of age

Download our Email Comes of Age guide so you can make every conversation engaging — including awkward ones. You’ll learn how to transition from pushing products to pushing...

電子郵件不斷在成長 (該是時候來談談策略了)

請下載我們的「電子郵件邁向成熟」指南,您可以讓所有對話變得充滿吸引力,包括棘手的對話。您會學到如何由推動產品轉變為推動客戶的需求,讓您永遠能提供他們渴望的內容。 請閱讀我們的指南,以了解您該如何: 整合更多資料,以深入了解您的客戶 確保每封電子郵件都進入收件匣 以更豐富的個人化體驗取悅客戶 只需填寫表格,即可下載指南。 ...

电子邮件营销正逐渐成熟 (是时候讨论战略了)

下载“电子邮件营销日渐成熟”指南,让每次沟通(即便是尴尬的)行之有效。您将了解如何从推荐产品过渡为首先推动客户的需求,以便始终为客户提供他们渴望的内容。 阅读我们的指南以了解如何: 通过集成更多数据更好地了解客户 •...

Email Deliverability

There’s no question that email software and the people who use it are getting better at filtering out spam. While this makes it easier for engaging emails to get through—without...