The 8 Biggest Unclaimed Property Mistakes

If not managed correctly, unclaimed property reporting can be a difficult undertaking.  Due to varying state laws and deadlines, many companies unknowingly make mistakes.

Mistakes, such as failure to report or reporting incorrectly, may result in costly fines, penalties, and intrusive and lengthy audits for your organization.

Our whitepaper will help you:

Understand Your Obligations
Learn what is expected of you as a holder and why unclaimed property reporting is such a crucial issue for companies.

Avoid Expensive Errors
Failing to report your unclaimed property obligations or reporting incorrectly can result in costly fines, penalties, and potential audits.

Identify the Path to Compliance
Keane’s unclaimed property experts can help you identify any reporting shortfalls and help you come into compliance with unclaimed property regulations.

Save Time & Money
Outsourcing your unclaimed property reporting can free up internal resources to focus on the core functions of your business – while ensuring your reports are prepared accurately year after year.

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