2018 DevOps Insight Report

Among today’s most exciting digital transformation strategies, DevOps is one that is growing in momentum, relevance, and competitive necessity. Research has shown that organizations that internalize the core DevOps principles are often able to respond to customer needs more quickly, lower their IT costs, deliver products and services of higher quality, and assert their competitive advantage in the marketplace. However, before beginning a DevOps transformation, organizations should fully understand all that the DevOps mindset entails, and the ways a business should and should not approach adoption.

Levvel Research’s 2018 DevOps Insight report offers a guide to innovative organizations ready to transform their IT teams—and their business success. This report examines the use of DevOps in the marketplace, including trends around current development methodologies, automation adoption rates, and the top factors driving current innovators’ DevOps transformations. It reviews the current state of leading DevOps technologies, including an overview of features, functionality, and services. Finally, it provides a guide to gaining buy-in for a DevOps transformation.

This Report Includes:

  • Development and Operations Trends Among North American Organizations
  • DevOps Strategies, Processes, and Technology
  • Features and Functionality of DevOps Automation Tools
  • Gaining Buy-In for a DevOps Transformation

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