Big Data for Healthcare Finds its Home in the Cloud

Every healthcare organization is facing the same reality: Mountains of data are being captured and stored, but there are significant challenges to unlocking the insights provided by this data.

Advances in healthcare analytics software is making it easier to organize, analyze, interpret, and present the data in meaningful ways. However, as the amount of data grows exponentially, so does the compute and storage requirements to power these analytics applications.

Faced with the need to make massive CapEx investments into their IT infrastructure savvy healthcare organizations are turning to cloud computing to power these applications. On-demand compute, unlimited scalability, the option to burst as needed, and cost containment are just a few of the reasons for this move. Unfortunately, fears about cloud security and compliance continue to slow adoption and limit the ability of healthcare organizations to leverage the power of Big Data to improve patient care.

Why you should read this white paper:
  1. Benefits of using the cloud to acquire, store and leverage data for sophisticated analytics.
  2. Best practices in planning, deploying and managing cloud-based big data solutions.
  3. What functionality and features to look for in a cloud-based big data solution for HCOs.
  4. How to remain HIPAA-compliant and ensure executive trust and confidence for cloud-based solutions.

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