Chip-level collaboration drives powerful analytics insights from the Internet of Things (IoT)

Given the tremendous range of technologies – security, networking, system integration, and more – required to bring the Internet of Things (IoT) to life for your organization, how often do you give thought to the chips processor on which they all ultimately rely? Are you considering the full impact of data processing, security and integration issues on overall performance? If you’re like most, the answer is likely “not so much.”

The processors are a critical component of the overall technology mix required for IoT-enabled digital transformation – especially when it comes to harnessing the massive amount of data generated in an IoT environment to generate real business insights. You have to be able not only to collect, but to analyze tremendous volumes of data at the edge of the network – all within specified performance parameters. That’s where Intel’s close, decades-long collaboration with SAS makes a big difference for the organizations relying on SAS Analytics capabilities, and Intel processing performance, to generate actionable business insights, from core systems out to the edge.

Transformative new business analytics capabilities, such as machine learning and AI, require the ability to process massive volumes of data – which in turn requires extraordinary computing and power. Organizations that rely on Pinnacle Solutions services, SAS Analytics, powered by Intel, are able to seamlessly process IoT data volumes – anywhere data is being generated. Ultimately, that means front-line users of data enjoy faster access to more accurate, timely insights. That’s how Pinnacle Solutions, SAS, and Intel are enabling smarter organizations in every industry around the world – organizations in which people are making decisions that lead to a whole new level of results.

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