Ebook Download: Amplifying Your Web Analytics with Voice of the Customer Studies

Web analytics tools are designed for viewing, measuring, and analyzing “what” is happening on a site. Getting insights into the “what” information on a site is a helpful and necessary first step, but without the “why is this happening?” information you lack the key element for making improvements on your digital properties. By combining web analytics with Voice of Customer (VoC) studies, you can fill in the gaps and improve the overall customer experience.

How to combine user feedback with your web analysis & improve the overall customer experience.

4 Key Concepts You'll Take Away from this eBook:
  • An understanding of why web analytics alone aren't enough
  • Detailed concepts involving web analytics segmentation and custom dimensions
  • A use case on integrating web analytics with VoC from the E-commerce industry (plus, examples of questions you'll be able to answer about your business by combining web analytics with VoC)
  • How to tactically integrate VoC studies into your web analytics tool or platform

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