ESG E-Book: Taking a Holistic Approach to Securing Cloud-Native Application Development

Traditional security challenges are amplified by challenges that are specific to cloud native applications such as the constant adoption of new developer tools, the implementation of new open source software libraries, the embedding of container images from unverified sources, the misconfiguration of public cloud parameters, limited visibility into the overall application, and the rapid release cadence. Finally, we need to factor in the distributed character of microservices applications, with separate development teams making different technology choices and following a different release schedule. 

These challenges require a holistic and application-centric approach toward cloud native security, protecting against vulnerabilities across runtimes, containers, and Kubernetes clusters. Finally, organizations need to protect their software supply chain against vulnerabilities of the actual application code, independently of whether this code is hosted on a self-managed Kubernetes cluster, a cloud managed cluster or a serverless environment.​ 

Our newest e-book, “Taking a Holistic Approach to Securing Cloud-Native Application Development”​ walks you through the key challenges facing the cloud-native security ecosystem. It breaks down what all organizations need to know about taking a holistic approach to securing cloud-native applications. It also covers:

  • Top five security areas DevOps must pay attention to 
  • High severity vulnerabilities found in DevOps toolsets
  • The ten critical requirements for taming cloud security complexities

Download a free copy and find out why a holistic approach to cloud-native security is essential. 

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