Gain a Competitive Advantage Through Exposure Data Enrichment

Date: Thursday, March 31, 2022
Time: 11am ET | 8am PT
Cost: Complimentary

Sponsored by: Risk Management Solutions

As the industry makes progress in digitizing insurance processes, there is still a lack of standardization in capturing exposure information. This can result in incomplete and inaccurate data. These data deficiencies can extend to what is passed on to the customer, in poor and inadequate risk pricing and underwriting. However, managers and underwriters don’t have to live with these deficiencies – enriching existing data for risk modeling can enhance the pricing process. Dive into frequent issues witnessed while processing data, the impact these have on modeled output, and how these issues can be resolved.

Join this complimentary webcast to explore the data challenges faced by insurance industry and learn how companies are enriching this data to gain a competitive advantage. You’ll also learn to:

  • Understand the elements of data quality and their impact on modeled losses
  • Identify deficiencies in data, and techniques to enrich data for underwriting
  • Use automated processes and best practices for an accurate view of risk
  • And more!



Alok Kumar | Global Head Analytical Services | Risk Management Solutions


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