Guide to Preventing JavaScript Supply Chain Attacks

JavaScript, while it is ubiquitous with 21st-century web applications, it is also a notable contributor to the ongoing software supply chain attack issues. This code is used in 98% of all global websites. Up to 80% of websites pull this code from open-source or third-party sources.

According to recent research, security industry experts expect supply chain attacks to increase by a factor of four over the course of 2022, compared to last year. The impact of supply chain attacks can be devastating, resulting in significant operational delays, reputation damage, and money loss — often in the millions of dollars.

Download this whitepaper to learn:

  • The definition of a supply chain attack, and the many forms an attack takes.
  • What businesses need to understand about security issues associated with the supply chain.
  • The connection between the client side and the supply chain.
  • How to prevent client-side JavaScript supply chain attacks.

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