HSAs and Why You Should Change the Retirement Strategy Story

Date: Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Time: 2pm ET | 11am PT
Cost: Complimentary

Sponsored by: WEX Health

Many Americans continue to invest and prepare for retirement the same way they did decades ago. However, in today’s economy that may not be enough to pay for healthcare costs alone for people over the age of 65. Fortunately, there is a way you can help employees build wealth and properly prepare for retirement, and it’s something you may already be offering: the HSA. It can actually be a better retirement-planning tool than a 401(k) or IRA.

Join this complimentary webcast to rethink ways to position HSAs and discover how to rewrite the HSA story to help employees look ahead with confidence. Get tools and information you need to improve the bottom line for employees, including:

  • How to communicate the retirement benefits of HSAs
  • Strategic insight into the data science behind employer contributions and how they impact participant contributions and behaviors
  • The misconception of the HSA as a saving/spending tool and why it’s not seen as a retirement option
  • Details on recent legislative updates affecting HSAs and potential changes coming with the Biden administration



Jeff Bakke | Chief Strategy Officer | WEX Health
Chris Byrd | Executive Vice President of Operation | WEX Health
Jason Cook | Vice President of Healthcare Emerging Markets | WEX Health

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