LTI’s Snowflake Data-Driven Insurance Transformation

There is no doubt that the insurance industry has always been data-savvy, but with the evolving technologies and new Digital Native customers, it's time to solve for next-generation Data Platforms. Learn how LTI's analytics solutions and Snowflake's data platform can jointly help Insurers achieve this vision.

Why Snowflake Data Cloud Platform?

Based on our analysis in Section1.0, Section 2.0 and Section 3.0, it is evident that Insurers needs to think long-term while choosing data cloud platform, it is preferred to choose cloud vendor-agnostic capabilities, scalable, secure and at the same time, very cost-effective.

Snowflake is uniquely positioned for this, it works on any of the major cloud platforms viz, Azure, AWS, GCP. Snowflake is purely SaaS-based offering, which means zero maintenance cost for Insurers. It is multi-cluster; shared data architecture provides required scalability as well as concurrent data sharing/ processing by multiple workloads.

Snowflake has also built a strong ecosystem of Data integration, Data Security, as well as Analytics and BI Partner, that facilitates faster adoption of Cloud Data warehouse, and accelerated transformation of BI & Analytics to cloud platform.

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