Pre-Hire Assessments: An Asset for HR in the Age of the Candidate

On paper, candidates have indicated that they can code in Python and Java or can resolve any customer service problem, but how do their skill sets compare with internal success standards, let alone everyday coding or service expectations? That's where pre-hire assessments can be so valuable. They provide extensive insights into candidates' skill sets, strengths, struggles, ideal working environments, and more. Top companies understand just how worthwhile such a resource is for making informed hiring decisions. In fact, Best-in-Class organizations are 45% more likely than All Others to use pre-hire assessments as part of the hiring process. Greater insights about candidates can be a game changer for the future success of any company.

While there isn't a one-size-fits-all pre-hire assessment approach to fit in with every company's talent acquisition process, there are most certainly a variety of ways companies can make use of them to ensure that they hire the most suitable, most skilled, most culturally appropriate employees. Once in place and applied to the necessary phases of the process, businesses will often start to see incredible return on investments.

This webcast will explore how to uncover the potential of pre-hire assessments. After attending this webcast, you will have insights and knowledge to help take your organization's hiring to the next level.

In this presentation you'll see and learn:
  • How companies are implementing pre-hire reference assessments
  • What pre-hire assessments can do for your company
  • How they decrease turnover amongst high performers
  • Why they lead to higher employee job performance
  • How they enable top companies to identify the highest potential candidates available

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