Return to the office: How to maximize your employees’ hybrid work environment-

Hybrid work environments may be the future but creating them isn’t as simple as just telling employees to come into the office three days a week. Employees have changed during this hiatus, and when they come back into the office, they come with new expectations.

Those who worked productively at home want their trip to the office to be well worth their commuting time. They don’t want to come in and be on Zoom meetings all day– they could have stayed home for that. Companies need to reimagine what the purpose of the office will be and how to make it a place employees look forward to going.

Even as companies work to make the office experience more appealing, they also need to mind the bottom line. Company leaders need to have a better understanding of how the office is used in this hybrid scenario, compared to how it should be used. Armed with the right data, organizations can know how to best allocate budgets to ensure offices are efficient while also becoming a desirable workspace for employees. In this webinar, experts will discuss:

  • What are today’s employees looking for when they return to the office?
  • What do companies need to consider when they create hybrid work environments?
  • How can companies use data to better understand office usage and balance revamping the office space with financial considerations?

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