Squid Game PR: The Technology Tug of War

Or do you take a page from consumer brand successes and lean heavily into a brand-first approach, focusing PR around a company’s values, mission and authenticity to connect with customers and partners?

Depending on who you ask, the answer seems clear as mud. It’s no wonder marketing and communications professionals feel stuck in an endless – and what can seem like a deadly – game of tug of war.

In an age where headlines scream “Tech PR is Dead” and “The Brand Purpose Debate: Is the Pendulum Swinging Too Hard?”, B2B and consumer tech companies around the globe crave clarity and direction. 

-Should a brand-first mentality trump a product-first one?
-Can CMOs and CTOs get on the same page?
-What about in-market differences... can a global comms team truly have the same priorities if they have differing audience needs?
-Does being a B2B technology, as opposed to a consumer-tech company, throw a whole other kink into the mix?

Armed with data and insights from marketers and communicators worldwide, this webcast, brought to you by Allison+Partners’ Global Technology Practice, will aim to end the spinning and provide answers. Industry leaders will share their perspectives on the evolution of Tech PR and answer the age-old conundrum that plagues in-house and agency tech PR experts... Which comes first: the brand or the product?


  • Jennifer Temple, CCO, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  • Mariana Agathoklis, head of communications, Verizon Business
  • Karyn Barr, MD, B2B Technology, Allison+Partners

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