The Age of the Adaptive Marketer – Meeting the Needs of the Connected Customer with Adaptive Brand Content

Increasingly discerning consumers expect – if not demand – that the materials brands present across sales, marketing and service touch points are timely, relevant and reflect the customer’s unique context. Yet despite a keen recognition of the need to more effectively deliver market-localized materials, many CMOs are stymied by the costs, time pressures and process inefficiencies of supporting adaption across a growing multitude of regions. The challenges of handling the logistics of localization at scale are exacerbated by a growing number of digital channels and increasingly expanding target markets.

This report demonstrates that global organizations are having trouble keeping pace with both the rate of change and increasingly demanding expectations in their creative delivery process. It goes on to outline best practices to be followed for the modern adaptive marketing leader, and highlights new tools, strategies and partnerships that must be engaged in order to accelerate adaptive marketing initiatives. 

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