The Ultimate Guide to Client-Side Security

Modern websites and the software that drives them carry risk. Any customer — from an individual consumer to another business — that wants to conduct a transaction via a website is going to expect a seamless and safe user experience with minimal or no risk. The first step in protecting customers is making sure that entry point into your business — the client-side — is as secure as it possibly can be.

In this e-book, we offer businesses a comprehensive look at client-side security and the type of attacks that are increasingly targeting businesses that deliver products and services through the client side. The security gap around the client-side is growing and organizations need to be prepared to secure their front-end operations if they want to ensure business growth and customer safety. There is a uniqueness to the client-side attack surface that requires a specific and dedicated security approach that is different from traditional server-side security. Protecting the client-side means understanding and acknowledging the risks and taking appropriate action to protect any person or business that comes in contact with client-side operations.

Download this e-book to:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of client-side security.
  • Understand how to defend your JavaScript web applications from client-side attacks.
  • Discover the type of attacks that are increasingly targeting businesses that deliver products and services through the client side.
  • Learn how to operationalize JavaScript security and recover from client-side breaches.

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