Why Sales Onboarding Matters And How to Design a Sales Onboarding Program for Faster Ramp

In this eBook, you'll learn:

  • Why it takes so long to ramp sales reps
  • The emotional stages of sales onboarding and its impact on revenue
  • Creating onboarding programs that drive results

AE productivity and ramping new reps are some of the biggest challenges sales leaders face today. With turnover so high in the sales profession, you want to make sure you accelerate ramp time to maximize rep productivity during their tenure.

However, over 40% of companies say their reps average 5+ months ramp time.

Whether you're just getting started with your sales onboarding program, or you're looking for new ways to train your reps, this eBook will give you insight into how to design your onboarding program to drive meaningful sales metrics.

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