Work Reimagined – Episode 2: The Future of Collaboration & Hybrid Work, A CxO Outlook

As we slowly begin to reemerge from the global pandemic, one thing is for certain–the future of work is forever changed.

With many offices set to reopen in the coming months and employees eager to get back to seeing colleagues in person, the workplace we return to will be a lot different from the one we left at the start of the global pandemic. As leadership teams continue to mold their business strategy to fit the needs of the new world, how will technology help to enable a seamless transition to a hybrid workforce?

Join Forbes & Cisco on July 21 where we will discuss what the future hybrid workplace looks like. We will touch on topics such as the new technologies that will be imperative to supporting a blended workforce, what the offices of the future will require to keep employees safe, strategies to enable effective communication with colleagues who remain remote and more.

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