Your Complete Guide to Call Tracking

It’s estimated that 85 billion calls are being driven to businesses today from mobile ads and digital marketing tactics and that number is only going to continue to rise, doubling to 169 billion by 2020.

Marketers are under increasing pressure to market smarter –– by being able to prove campaign ROI, data attribution, and their contribution to their business’s bottom line, all while being understaffed and short on time.

Buyers today may see your ad, research your business online, visit a third party review site, check out a competitor, and visit your website --  all before they call to purchase.

So how do you track incoming calls to prove ROI and your marketing successes? Enter call tracking.

Our Guide to Call Tracking is designed to help guide and inform your call tracking solution research and vendor selection. It’s full of questions you can ask vendors, call tracking feature ‘must haves’, and ways you can use call tracking to boost your business.

Download your complimentary Call Tracking Guide today.

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