10 Things You Can Offer Your Employees that are Better than a Raise

Raising salaries can be difficult when budgets are tight. But replacing a key person on your staff? That’s going to cost you about two times that person’s annual compensation! You simply can’t afford to do that too often. This guide shares the top non-financial reasons over 18,000 employees gave for staying (ranked with the most common responses at the top). Figure out how to give your employees these reasons to stay, and you’re golden (unless your pay is grossly unfair, of course).

Not only do we share with you why employees choose to stay, but we also share employee retention experts, Beverly Kaye and Sharon Jordan-Evans, recommendations for how you can give them what they want. Figuring out what employees really want and how to give it to them can be tough, but it’s a learnable skill. With enough study, every manager in your organization can become a master it.

Are you ready for your crash course in employee retention? Time to get started!

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