2021 Holiday Marketing Guide for Restaurants

Psychologically, consumers are in a much different frame of mind than last year. Being creatures of habit, consumers are looking to re-establish old routines and that means that their level of open-mindedness and willingness to try new restaurants this season should be greater than ever before.

And with customer foot traffic to restaurants up 36% since January 2021 and rising, the restaurant industry is experiencing a moment in time where attracting and retaining customers is critical.

In an effort to support restaurants during this pivotal moment, we’ve put together a guide to help you shape your Holiday marketing plan, accounting for both new customer acquisition and increasing visit frequency for your existing customer base.

In this guide we will cover:

  • Customer insights for restaurant marketers, including foot traffic trends and the most influential factors when deciding to try a new restaurant
  • Key planning strategies and tactics for customer acquisition
  • Tactics to increase visit frequency of loyal versus casual customers

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