6 Scary Things You Need to Know about Indoor Air Quality

The continuing wildfires in California have sparked widespread concern about air quality in general, and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in particular. Depending on monitoring and building management systems, buildings might not be providing clean, filtered air. In the worst cases, poor IAQ can cause long term health problems for building residents. Additionally, misconceptions about IAQ might make it difficult to implement constructive changes in your building.

In order to create the best case scenario: a truly safe facility with organization-wide awareness of pitfalls, up-to-date technology, and, of course, excellent IAQ is imperative! Read on for the spookiest facts about IAQ here: https://www.senseware.co/2017/10/26/6-scary-things-need-know-indoor-air-quality/

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6 Scary Things You Need to Know about Indoor Air Quality

The continuing wildfires in California have sparked widespread concern about air quality in general, and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in particular. Depending on monitoring and building management systems, buildings might not be providing clean, filtered air. In the worst cases, poor IAQ can cause long term health problems for building residents. Additionally, misconceptions about IAQ might make it difficult to implement constructive changes in your building.

In order to create the best case scenario: a truly safe facility with organization-wide awareness of pitfalls, up-to-date technology, and, of course, excellent IAQ is imperative! Read on for the spookiest facts about IAQ here: https://www.senseware.co/2017/10/26/6-scary-things-need-know-indoor-air-quality/

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