Choosing space-grade silicones: evaluation insights

However, not all silicones are equal when it comes to performance in space. The extreme vacuum conditions can degrade some silicones and cause damage or failure in radiators, electronics, lenses, optically sensitive surfaces and other components — an unacceptable outcome in equipment that could be millions of miles from Earth.

If you’re designing for space, a holistic understanding of how each space-grade material performs can help you select the best possible material solutions for specific applications. These silicone options expand your toolbox for designing the most advanced-performing spacecraft.

In our white paper “Designing for space applications: Evaluating low & ultra-low outgassing silicones,” you’ll learn more about:

  • NASA testing and evaluation standards for low and ultra-low outgassing silicones
  • NuSil’s portfolio of space-grade silicones and how they performed against ASTM E595 and E1559 standards 

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