Delivering in a Post-Pandemic World

Every aspect of business has been challenged and strained by technology integration in the past 2.5 years—from front-of-house payment and delivery systems to employee VPN and remote work to warehouse and just-in-time manufacturing and supply-chain validation. Integrated cloud and data processes can deliver exponential value or bring the world to a grinding halt. Modernizing these business operations need not be daunting and can be a true catalyst for innovation. Hear from some of the toughest cases and real-world experiences of change that have set us on a new course.

For years technology has been transforming every aspect of business — and then the pandemic happened, forcing lots of companies to scramble on remote work and everything else it took to keep business going. Now we’re hopefully coming out of scramble-mode. Businesses are looking ahead to a post-pandemic world.

Featured speakers include: Ric Lewis (IBM), Rick Villars (IDC), Lalit Patil (SAP), and Julianne Pepitone (FastCo Works moderator)

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