Direct Marketing Cost Optimization to Save Your Budget

Smart marketers know the importance of direct mail, but shifting headwinds are putting pressure on them—and their plans. Direct-mail costs are higher than ever, with postage jumping 15% and production up 10%. At the same time, more than 70% of marketers are being asked to tighten their marketing budgets across the board.

Some marketers are stuck; some have continued to cut their budgets, sacrificing reach; and others are so busy scrambling for cost savings, they’ve lost their eye on effectiveness.

Join Quad’s Kris Persons, senior vice president of direct marketing, and John Puterbaugh, vice president of advanced media and innovation, for a live Tech-Talk Webinar. They’ll explore how to avoid being squeezed between price and performance with intelligent, data-driven print and mail tactics to help you maintain—and improve—the health of your direct-mail programs.

During this webinar, you’ll learn how to:

  • Combat rising costs, starting with streamlining production and postage optimizations
  • Improve your results through full-funnel measurement, audience identification, personalization, and cross-channel integration
  • Launch winning campaigns that are highly efficient, fast, and positioned to deliver optimal results

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