Does Real-Time Really Matter? 4 Experts Weigh In on the Future of Treasury

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We've come to expect instant information in our personal lives: from the stores we shop at, the GPS-enabled maps on our phones, and even our pizza deliveries can all be tracked in real-time. How does this expectation for instant data in our personal lives impact corporate treasury? The term "real-time treasury" is certainly not new, and some areas of treasury have already been real-time for a while. 

Join this webcast to hear from major stakeholders about the future of treasury; and learn:

  • When real-time actually matters and where you can begin the advancement
  • Concrete examples of how day-to-day work processes will evolve
  • How real-time treasury fits into other trends like RPA, open banking, data lakes, etc.



Matt Allen | Assistant Treasurer | Walmart

Luis Soto | Senior Manager | Accenture

Fernando Iraola | Managing Director | Bank of America

Peter Klein | CTO | FinLync

Claudia Gonzalez (Moderator) | Director of Product Marketing | FinLync

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