Drilling Down on Pay Gaps: How to Achieve Pay Equity

Now more than ever, gender and racial pay equity have become a critical priority for C-Suite and HR leaders, requiring organizations to step up their processes. With proactive analysis, decision-makers can review and resolve pay inequities using a comprehensive, objective, and efficient methodology.

Listen to Mercer’s pay equity webinar to learn how:

  • Pay equity methodologies have evolved to support accelerated achievement of equity for global organizations
  • To maintain pay equity once achieved
  • Mercer’s Pay Equity Calculator™, a unique, web-based tool, gives organizations the ability to investigate areas of risk by gender and by race/ethnicity, and review the impact of different remediation strategies
  • Analytics can help solve broader equity issues related to diversity of representation in senior roles

Gain actionable insights on how to start or advance pay equity analysis and remediation in your organization.

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