Exploring a One-Stop Integrated Solution for AAV Vector Clinical Production

Make the right choices and you can slash time to manufacture clinical-quality drug product to just nine months, but missteps can cause timelines and costs to spiral, delaying access to life-changing medicines and handing advantages to rivals.

In this webinar, we show you how to make the right choices across all the key variables, from the process and cell line, to off-the-shelf plasmids and qualified analytical methods. Viewers will gain a blueprint for a complete platform approach that is consistent, efficient and delivers a process that easily scales up as you move to late-stage GMP production and on the market. 

You will learn:

  • How consolidated, standardized processes fast track AAVs with a scalable cGMP-ready process
  • Why a HEK-293 suspension-based process improves timeline and development efficiency
  • What has worked for companies in the past in case studies that address:
    • How a clonal HEK293 cell line compares to other commercial cell lines
      • How off-the-shelf plasmids have improved yield and packaging efficiency

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