Improve the Customer Experience With Better Digital Access

A growing portion of B2B customers want greater control in their transactions with other companies. Pressed for time, they want technology that offers a full-service portal where they can not only make purchases but view their buying history, check on the status of orders, place new orders, file support tickets and pay invoices — all in the same place. Businesses that don’t offer this will quickly fall behind their competitors.

Seventy percent of customer service and support leaders plan to dedicate the bulk of their budgets to digital operations in 2021. Embracing digital transformation is an intentional effort to make all areas of the company more customer-friendly — from sales and customer service to marketing and finance. A complete digital platform can improve operations and offer busy B2B customers more flexibility. In this playbook, learn: 

  • What a digital platform entails
  • The benefits of setting one up, with real-life examples
  • Why B2B customers prefer it

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