Managers Guide: Signs of AUD/SUD You Should Know

You’ll learn about:

Addiction is a treatable disease  

Contrary to popular stigma, addiction is not a sign of weakness or a character flaw: it’s a complex disease that affects the brain and body. Thankfully, addiction treatment works, reducing health and social costs by far more than the cost of the treatment itself. Managers are ideally positioned to identify employees who may be struggling and encourage them to seek professional support.

Learn to recognize the warning signs of substance use, like:  

  • Absenteeism and poor work performance 
  • Mood changes or drowsiness
  • Avoiding interactions after work breaks or lunches 
  • Unexplained financial difficulties

Some employees may show several signs that they’re struggling while others may show few, making it hard to identify that they have a problem. Learn how to support your employees —and connect them with professional help— before their symptoms spiral. 

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