Managing the New FGD Wastewater Regulations

EPA Steam Electric Power Generating Effluent Limitations Guidelines, or ELG’s, impact coal-fired power plant operations and their wastewater management. Specifically, the ELG’s impose limits for suspended solids, arsenic, mercury, selenium, and nitrate/nitrite for Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) wastewater. These regulations drive the need for technology based solutions that address and adapt to variables such as the nature of wastewater streams, types of contaminants, contaminant loading, and costs.

In this guide you will learn about the best available technologies for complying with the new standards. One of the leading contenders in this process is the Fluidized Bed Reactor or FBR, which removes soluble selenium and other metals from FGD wastewater.

Download this guide for additional information on FBR technology for treating FGD wastewater, including pilot studies and tests, and polishing selenium removal options.

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