On-Demand Research Webinar: Build vs. Buy: Finding the Best Path to Network Automation

Enterprises have been trying to automate their networks for decades, but manual tasks continue to dominate operations. According to Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) research, only 34% of IT organizations have been able to automate more than half of their network provisioning and change management tasks. With so many commercial and open source network automation tools available, why aren’t organizations doing better?

Watch this on-demand webinar featuring Shamus McGillicuddy (EMA Vice President of Research) and Jason Edelman (Founder and CTO of network automation solution provider Network to Code) to get guidance on how to set a network automation strategy. You will also get insights on:

  • Whether a network team should use open source, homegrown, or commercial network automation solutions
  • How to establish a data-driven source of truth for your network
  • How to build the right team for enabling your network automation strategy

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