PC Connection Streamlines SPIF Program Management with Optymyze, Leading to Increased Sales Performance

PC Connection is a value added reseller (VAR) of computer hardware and software, with a sales team that includes both direct account managers and sales engineers. They have sales teams devoted to the commercial segments as well as the federal, state, and local government segments.

PC Connection has been live and operational on Optymyze, with assistance from Optymyze’s professional services team, for approximately one year. Optymyze is responsible for paying around 600 sales team members and managing a complex set of (Sales Performance Incentive Fund) SPIF programs.

PC Connection’s product management organization is responsible for promoting numerous product lines–servers, routers, printers–working directly with vendors to create SPIF programs to boost sales.PC Connection’s finance team ensures SPIFs are managed properly and salespeople are paid correctly.

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