Reimagining Benefits for the Hybrid Workforce

Employers of every size and in every industry are experiencing a cultural shift in employee expectations. The COVID-19 pandemic gave roughly 6 in 10 employees the opportunity to experience working from home. They spent more time with family. Many gained new perspective on what’s most important in their lives. Now, an overwhelming majority of employees say they want flexibility around where, how and when they work to remain in their professional lives.

Additionally, the pandemic caused employees increased hardship and anxiety around financial security and health/safety. As a result, they now feel greater urgency about employer-sponsored benefits such as health insurance, dependent care benefits, and retirement plans. As a result, employees are seeking greater value in the benefits mix and prioritizing benefits higher when they consider alternative employment options.

In this eBook, we’ve gathered the top predictions and trends from the benefits industry to help business owners reorient the benefits strategy toward a more flexible workforce. Find out how to create a benefits strategy that delights in-office, remote, and hybrid employees and helps your business stay competitive in the recruiting arena.

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