Revenue-builder secret recipe: 5 ingredients for tech-driven predictable growth

As senior living communities face new challenges around recruiting and retaining both staff members and residents, growth becomes more difficult to predict. The right mix of technology can inspire more move-ins, increase length of stay and make staff members more efficient and satisfied. How do you choose the right ingredients for your growth?

In this webinar, Sarah Thomas, executive strategist on Aging Innovation, will drive a discussion around the five key ingredients operators need to drive predictable growth with the industry leaders and operators who are driving change. This webinar will help you:

  • Understand the new expectations of residents, family and staff
  • Translate those expectations into five priorities
  • Leverage technology to become the “community to beat”
  • Calculate the impact

Not your typical webinar, Sarah will lead a group of passionate operators through a discussion around innovative tech trends that will inspire you to recommit to your technology-based vision that promotes vitality in aging.

By attending this program in its entirety, you can earn 1 CE credit!

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