Saying Anything to Anyone, Anywhere – Develop the Strength to Say No, The Courage to Say Yes and the Conviction to Convince Anyone

Sometimes when you say yes too much, you find that you are not able to do justice to everything and even though you are an expert, your downfall was that you took on too many things. The other extreme, refusal being your default reaction, means you lose out on great opportunities. 

Learning how to strike the right balance between saying yes and no means you have to consider a lot of things. Also, when you eventually give your answer, you want to make it sound right. This eBook helps you say yes or no without sounding too confident or too diffident, and makes sure you are not harming yourself or others. You will learn how to quickly analyze a situation and give an appropriate response accordingly. You have the ability to confidently make appropriate decisions, all you need is a road map. 

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