The Future of Multisite: How to Deliver and Manage Hundreds Of Sites

Over the last several years, we’ve seen a digital transformation take place in which organizations have gone from building project-to-project websites to building a digital factory platform to support delivery and management of digital experience content and applications across their entire organization.

Building a digital factory platform that manufactures, delivers, and runs all of your company’s digital sites and governs content delivery provides a central view of all digital experiences across multiple brands, products, and regions at scale, while enabling teams to roll out site updates and experiences faster and more efficiently than ever before.

This newfound efficiency of the digital factory platform has allowed organizations like Australian Department of Finance, Nestlé, and Warner Music Group bring sites and digital experiences to market twice as fast than they could before, and those digital experiences are more consistent and more effective. To equip your organization to be successful in scaling its digital experiences, the importance of investing in building a platform is imperative. So how do you build a platform, not a site?

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