The Future of Procurement

What do you think the future holds for procurement? And do you think your predictions line up with those of your peers?

You can find out by downloading this overview of a recent Oxford Economics global survey involving more than 1,000 procurement executives and practitioners. It covers a wide range of topics that matter to your future, from global trends and supplier relationships to job satisfaction and organizational structure. See what your peers in procurement have to say about…
  • Whether the organizational structure of procurement will develop as it becomes more strategic
  • How procurement talent can be developed and what capabilities will drive change in the function
  • How technology and a collaborative mindset are transforming procurement
  • Why our KPIs and time investments do not always mirror our vision and goals
Five years ago, Ariba gathered a group of executives and asked them to predict how procurement would evolve by 2020. Are their predictions coming true? Don't miss this eye-opening investigation.

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