The Guide to PCBA Development for Semiconductor Applications

At Tempo Automation, we understand that bringing a new Integrated Circuit (IC) to market requires speed and precision.

In developing and showcasing new ICs, semiconductor engineering teams rely on high-quality PCBAs for both meeting internal product development timelines and as external sales and marketing tools for customer use.

To help accelerate and streamline silicon release-to-market, we developed The Guide to PCBA Development for Semiconductor Applications, which contains best practices for post-silicon PCBA design and development, underscores the benefits of early engagement with manufacturers during DFMA, and most importantly—helps engineering teams better meet critical path milestones and improve board quality.

Download this guide to learn about:

  • Post-silicon PCBA best practices
  • Environmental Constraints, Design Standards, Quality Requirements
  • Design for Operation, Manufacturing, and Test
  • Accelerating Development through CM Partnerships

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