The New York City Bias Audit Law: Regulating AI and automation in HR

Artificial intelligence and automated employment decision tools are revolutionising talent management in organisations, providing a scalable and efficient solution to sourcing and retaining top talent. However, the systems can also pose risks, particularly in respect to bias or discrimination.

Due to these risks, the New York City Council has passed legislation that requires bias audits of automated employment decision tools being used to evaluate candidates or employees residing in the city from 1st January 2023.

Employers and employment agencies will also be required to make a summary of the results from the bias audit publicly available on their websites and comply with notice requirements.

Download our white paper to find out everything you need to know about this legislation

The NYC Bias Audit White Paper covers:

  • How AI and automation are used in HR today
  • How can the risks of AI use be mitigated
  • What companies need to do to be compliant for the 1 January 2023 deadline

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