Think Outside the Classroom

As a result of virtual classrooms becoming more prevalent, many students were unable to do their homework because of unreliable computers or poor internet connection at home. Education institutions need solutions that bridge the gap between students with and without access to online resources as a response to the pandemic.

With Linksys HomeWRK for Education, your students can have secure and reliable internet access so they can participate in academic activities and complete homework assignments when away from school. Our solution offers a collection of plug and play hardware devices and simple data plans to create a fast and safe remote learning network anywhere. Our free datasheet will breakdown all the benefits of Linksys HomeWRK including how it’s:

  • Has a broad and flexible broadband network
  • Designed with equality education in mind
  • Helping schools meet CIPA compliance
  • Simple and reliable hardware and unlimited data plans

Don’t miss out on learning how to get your students the wider broadband coverage they need at home!

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