Unlocking Human Capability with Financial Close Automation

Today, the Finance and Accounting industry is seeing a shift widely known as “The Great Resignation.” Many Baby Boomers are retiring early, and Millennials and Gen Zs are looking for more competitive and fulfilling jobs. How can CFOs retain and acquire talent within their F&A organizations during these demanding times? Financial process automation is the answer for the following reasons:

  • Increases productivity
  • Reduces unnecessary stressors
  • Attract top talent

As organizations invest in their financial transformation, they invest in their team and enable their full potential. With automation, mundane tasks are a thing of the past, and the team can feel empowered by focusing on strategic and challenging work. The newest generation entering the workforce is technologically savvy. Organizations must show that they are as well if they want the competitive advantage to attract new talent. Leaning into technology and financial process automation can protect your current assets and increase the likelihood of gaining top talent.

Download this eBook to learn more about how the financial automation process can empower your finance and accounting team and add top talent during times of uncertainty.

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