Vaping in the Workplace: A Bigger Issue than You Think

As the nation navigates to a new normal, protecting employee health is a top concern. However, one factor influencing this likely isn’t on the radar for many HR leaders yet and it should be: vaping in the workplace.

New proprietary Truth Initiative research shows that vaping in the workplace is a bigger issue than many think. Key findings include:

  • 62% report seeing a coworker vape in/around their workplace
  • 70% agree that vaping in the workplace is harmful to their health
  • 62% say vaping at work bothers them
  • 63% agree that vaping in the workplace decreases productivity for those who vape

Vaping isn’t harmless, either for e-cigarette users or for those exposed to secondhand aerosol (i.e., vapor).

Download this research to learn:

  • The health risks of vaping
  • The surprising impact of just a few employees who vape
  • Industry differences in workplace vaping
  • How important vape- and smoke-free workplaces are to employees
  • The impact of having a child who vapes on working parents

Is your company doing enough to help employees and their families live tobacco-free?

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