Webinar: How To Avoid The Digital Dilemma

There are proven ways that business leaders can leverage digitalization, boost staff engagement, develop digitally inclined leaders and meet new operational and supply chain challenges. We can teach them to you. Join experts from Performance Solutions by Milliken (PSbyM) to learn how organizations thrive on new opportunities by focusing on 6 Essential Lessons for Digitalization:

  1. Culture: Digital tools should support the vision, values and culture of your organization—where they do not, do not use them
  2. Connect: Connect the local decision-makers with the best data to enhance their decision-making while avoiding bad data that lead to bad decisions
  3. Complement: Leveraged on the most critical and capable processes, complementing the business priorities, not chasing the flavor of the month
  4. Coach: Facilitate a coaching-not-critiquing style of leadership to build trust and process ownership
  5. Collaborate: Encourage interaction and collaboration, breaking down silos between functions and helping nurture collective respect and innovation
  6. Celebrate: Prompt success and highly visual success-storytelling to make recognition a natural daily event

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