Winning the Auto Renewal Game: Improve Customer Experience & Profits with Data Sophistication

Date: Thursday, August 11, 2022
Time: 2pm ET | 11am PT
Cost: Complimentary

Sponsored by: LexisNexis Risk Solutions

Why are auto insurers missing out on approximately $4.9 billion in premiums annually? They face key challenges at the point of renewal. Meanwhile, competitors continue to gain ground. This doesn’t have to be the case with a detailed and thorough strategy. One challenge is understanding the risk associated with the drivers on their active policies, and understanding if that risk has changed over the course of the policy. Auto insurers must understand if the likelihood of a driver having a claim has increased since the last renewal or policy inception. Another challenge is providing a good customer experience, which is critical for renewal. Not implementing a complete strategy at point of renewal – or worse, not having a strategy at all – can cause loss ratios to take hits, ultimately impacting retention.

Join this complimentary webcast to discover a strategy that will provide auto insurers with deeper insights needed to win more business. Topics addressed will include:

  • The missed opportunities for auto insurers at renewal, and how data can be leveraged to seize those opportunities
  • The true impact of the data on retention
  • How to have a winning strategy at point of renewal
  • And more!



Patience Peterson | Sr. Director, Product Management | LexisNexis Risk Solutions


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