Your Ultimate Guide to Process Mining

In 2020, businesses had to change fast just to survive. There were challenges, whether you were a primarily physical business pivoting to digital or a digital service facing unprecedented growth. The sudden shift to remote work threw into stark relief gaps in business continuity plans; people had to muddle through creating digital versions of processes that might not have been well-documented and new processes were developed on the fly.

Now is the time to reflect on what worked, what didn’t and how you want to move forward in 2021 and beyond.

Process mining is what you need to wrap your head around how each process is being performed right now. It uncovers all the little variations, challenges and workarounds that can‘t be uncovered by any other means, so you can see what is actually happening and how it impacts your business. With these insights you can make informed decisions about what to keep, what to change and which processes should take priority.

In this paper, we’ll help you understand what process mining is, the value it offers and why now is a good time to implement process mining. We’ve included examples and a guide that you can use to get stakeholders onboard and launch your process mining initiative.

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