3 Ways to Help Your Agents Power Through Peak Season

Retail peak times are always a challenge, but this year’s holiday season likely will bring added pressures that lower profits and push up costs: employee shortages, higher wages, supply chain problems and inflation.

Retailers that don’t find creative ways to meet these challenges will find that the quality of both the customer and employee experience can plummet—fast. A digital-first strategy, however, can take pressure off staff and business lines: With AI-driven chat technology, companies can reduce the demand on their busy agents—making their jobs easier and keeping hiring costs down. It’s good news for customers, too: Faster service makes their shopping experience more efficient and enjoyable.

In this webinar, you’ll learn about strategies and real examples of retailers who are meeting peak time challenges by using technology that promotes:

  • Self-service and call deflection
  • Personal, predictive and proactive interactions
  • Associate support and knowledge sharing.

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