5 Best Practices for Building Data Science Skills Academies

With rapid digitization and systemic data talent shortage, developing organization-wide data fluency is top of mind for many Chief Data and Learning Officers today. According to Deloitte, the number of jobs posted for analysis skills has consistently surpassed the number of employees available for these roles. 

The need for data science skills is also increasingly prevalent as organizations bring AI to scale. According to a PwC survey of more than 32,000 workers, 77% of employees are looking for opportunities to reskill on digital and data skills amidst higher concerns of automation, and the need to work with automated systems.

As a consequence, organizations are building internal data science skill academies to accelerate their data fluency and embed learning in the flow of work. 

This guide will offer you practical tips and advice to help you:

Set up an internal data science skill academy 

Drive higher engagement with your learning program for data fluency

Personalize and diversify your learning program for data fluency

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