7 Reasons to Expand E-Signature Usage

Electronic signature has been established as the new standard for business documents and signers have adjusted to expect ease, flexibility and convenience when completing paperwork. To make the technology even better for your team, your customers and your colleagues, it has to connect to more parts of the business. Every new e-signature integration removes a potential hurdle and makes the entire organization more efficient. It’s the fastest way to improve your team’s signature capabilities in the modern business landscape.

Download this eBook which covers research findings and presents data that answers common questions about how to expand your e-signature technology effectively, including:

  • My organization has already adopted e-signature, what should we do next?
  • Which additional e-signature features are other organizations using?
  • What can I tell my colleagues who are hesitant about e-signature?
  • How can I measure and report on the value that that e-signature is creating?
  • And more!

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